2014 – One Word

After weeks of pondering, deliberating and having strange arguments in my head (I’m positive I wasn’t talking out loud) as to what my word for the year would be, the inspiration came to me during a simple ordinary moment.


That’s it.. That’s my word for 2014.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about surviving being my word for 2013.  I have been faced with many challenges over the past year, and have achieved both positive and not so positive results.  One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is to enjoy and cherish  the simple, everyday moments of my life.

My husband constantly  occasionally reminds me I can overcomplicate things. As much as it pains me to say this (and this will be good test to see if he actually reads my blog as he claims!), he is right.  Over the past few years, all too often I find myself over analysing every single thing…. everything from a passing comment by a stranger, to a routine test/scan, would have me looking for hidden meanings/worst case scenarios and how I would manage them.

This is why in 2014 I’m keeping it simple.

*  I will live more in the moment. I will soak up every special moment I share with my precious boys – my husband included!

*  I will stop worrying so much about what I think people are thinking and expecting of me.

* I will stop looking for hidden meanings in EVERYTHING!

*  I will slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life such as feeling the grass beneath my feet, and the sunshine on my face as we play outside in this beautiful Queensland weather.

* I will do more of the things that I enjoy – reading, writing and of course baking!


Do you have a word for 2014?

I look forward to sharing my journey with you this year, and thank you all again for your support xx

I’m linking up today with Maxabellaloves Happy New Year everyone!